Here are the schools in Boynton
that need volunteers right away:
Imagine Schools, Chancellor
Campus: JA in a Day event K-7th grade
High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach
The week of May 18th from 8:30
AM to 1:30 PM
South Tech Preparatory
Academy: 3 Day programs 7th grade JA
Economics for Success
SW 30th Ave., Boynton Beach
Option #1: May 18th, 26th &
June 1st
Option #2: May 19th, 27th &
June 2nd
Woodlands Middle School: Standard 6 visit programs 7th grade JA Economics for
Success and JA It’s My Future
Lyons Road, between Lake Worth
and Lantana Roads
Dates and times TBD based on
volunteer availability